i was late coz i over slept.. hahaha..
was supposed to be at MY house at 10 in the morning..
but i've been late for 2hr..
the last time i went was March, skating with my dear..
luckily my dear get to skating there before he's going back to uk
coz i heard the renovation are going to start at April..
look cool isnt?
Opps.. sorry, i dont have the picture after renovationgonna snap it when im going there next time.. patient~
but i can describe here for you 1st.. =p
the all skating protection wall have been renewed
it's look so nice now not like the last time was old in yellow colour, dirty and unstable..(it can be push easily n it's looks like going fall down any second)
and the skating rink looks like have been enlarged...
the position of the skating payment counter have been changed
n rebuilded at the opposite of the old skating payment counter at the LHS of the exit
which the new counter have replaced the shoes/cd shop( if you did been there b4 then you'll know what im saying) hehe XD
the entrance was just beside the exit
and the another entrance to the skating rink have been changed to the old skating payment counter there..
the locker also changed near to the stair which lead you down to toilet..
and you can get your locker coin from the skate rental counter but not for free of coz
ok.. lets shift back to us..
this was the third time for MY to skate..
the skating thingy was still new to her and she still have to hold tight to the wall..
she told me the second she skated with Amanda..
and Amanda didnt really taught her coz Amanda was focusing in searching/looking for handsome n talented guy.. haha.. (shh.. kept it as secret)

then i was like being a couch for her n teaching her...
finally, she able to skate without holding anything
but still i have to stay beside to hold her from falling down later.. LOL
actually the skating surface was still so watery after the ice resurfacing
but i prefer the last time..
still hard n dead dry after resurfacing.. i can skate as fast as i want
but now i will slip easily when i make a turn
damit.. so embrarrassing even thought i've been skate for hundred time (roller skate + ice skate =???)
this is what happened to my leg when fall down and left the scars for 5days baru take care of it
after skating for 4hrs..
MY wanted to take dinner at Sakae sushi..
i just ordered a teriyaki grill chicken rice recommended by MY
after dinner, we just shop around to look for high hill shoe wanted by MY..
later then her parents came and fetch us back
thts all..
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