Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My previous post was more than a month ago, blog seems so deadening. And i had a bad news to deliver, i don't think i will blog more often than last year means it could be worst than a post per month. I bet mostly my blog will ended up a post per year. LOL I lost my motive to blog, things happened. I wanted to make a diary for myself, since blogging in internet is kinda publicity. yeah, i know i can set the view to privacy. Hmm.. maybe i will consider that.
Its been more than 2 year since the break up, and i was struggling during the healing process. It wasn't his fault at all, because i am the one broking his heart. I took a lot of time to think about it and courage and hoping i will not regret by making the decision. But i realized I am soon after i made the decision but before this i think which is best for both of us. long distance relationship are hard to survive. Not that i don't want to hold on, but everyone around us doesn't look well at our relationship. " 所谓竹门对竹门, 木门对木门  " But its alright now, let the past be past. whats is gone are gone. Taking it as a love lesson class, and all i knew he found somebody else that would love him much more than i do, i bet. As long as he was happy, that's all matter. 
Anyhow, i found somebody that meant so much to me now. I can almost chat anything with him, laughing over silly things. But this time i will kept this feeling forever, don't wanna spoiled the friendship between us. Like what if he doesn't have the same feeling as i do, and things turn differently after i tell him. Naw, being friend will do. And i don't get a chance to know him much, he tends to be kept things to himself, i bet. 
Ok, birthday coming soon. First time ever mentioning my birthday on blog. Hmm... i got nothing wanted as my birthday presents. Just hoping everyone i knew were safe and happy. and i hope i will survive this year, since somebody predicted i will be having accidents this year. finger crossed. 

Im in love with all the Travie McCoy songs
i bet u would like it too.