HEIYA!! i'm back..actually i've been back for quite some time but i'm just lazy to update my blog..because blogging is not an easy job..
at first, you have to think what you wanted to blog about and which photo you needed to upload for your post.. somemore you have to edit the size of the photo b4 uploaded it..
if not, it will took quite long for photo to be uploaded..anyway..i've told ya that im going to genting right after my class end at night.. about
9.30then i rushed to bus stop to take rapidkl bus to kl central to buy a ticket for the bus which send me to the genting skyway there..
but the ticket counter for genting closed thats mean no more buses till the next day..the last buses depart was at 9.30.. O,O!!i was SEI LOR.... DIM SUIN AR!!
then rushed out to get rapidkl bus to transfer back to pasar seni there..because there have a pudu bus station near the STAR lrt, i thought
the counter for the genting bus not yet close..but but but.... T.T
closed jor.. last buses depart was earlier at 9.00sigh... no mood...walking back very slow to the bus stop to go home..reached at another bus stop have to walk 20 minutes more baru home, somemore tht time 12AM edi..usually i fetch by my mom but tht day have to walk.. sigh..
dinner for tht night was a cup of tom yam maggie + a pack of hotdog brought at a store which i passed by when walking home..i didnt slept at all that night till the morning about 7 then i went to bus stop to get to kl central there.. i brought a bus ticket which depart at 8.30 to genting skyway
been through all the transportation and walking..
finally i reached the hotel room at 11am..damn hungry tht time.. my mom cooked me a breakfast and i eat like have not been eating for 3 day.
actually b4 i spent my whole night with my dear thts why i didnt slept at all..
we have an special night tht day but named it as "lonely monday" haha.. =p
anyway.. i didnt slept have resulted me for sleeping the whole afternoon till night at the hotel room..i was dead tired and lying on the bed like an dead pig.. (x(oo)x) Zzzz....nothing much i've done tht day.. just stayed at hotel room and shop shop first world for awhile only..
didnt went to theme park coz i've done tht when i went with my dear, and another two friends of mine at march this yrs..we gonna stay there for 3days 2 night
my 1st day at genting but it's second day for my parents and siblings which they went a day early than me..
fresh air
the old skyway, have been abandone for years
if im not wrong
view took from the way to the ria apartment

posing =p
view from my hotel bedroom
can you spot the mr turtle??
i brought it along to genting..

My second day at genting which is the last day staying up at genting
we checked out at the early of morning..
my parents went to casino, sis and i went to first world together to have some walk and shopping then left my bro alone because he doesnt want to followed us but at the end i think he did followed up with my parents to casino..
he did gamble and he won RM100!! lol
actually we cant enter the casino under 21yr old but my bro with his height of 193cm.. of coz sure can pretend he is not under age... =,="
here goes the photos

try to pretend tht im clamping the snowman
too powerful to hold a snowman until senget edi.. LOL
DL= Dino in Love (XD)

ferris wheel as background
weeee... going down
peace to the theme park world!!
(sibling's finger)
OMG!! dinosaur crash out from the building..
run for your life....!!!
can u spot me??
my sis pose with a large oscar statue
liberty statue driving bike
somehow i felt like she is trying to say:
goodbye everyone.. IM GOING TO HEAVEN...
caterpillar ride
liberty statue in the mall..
haha.. (speechless)
followed up by sis
kiddie's merry-go-round
view of the outdoor theme park
after spending the last day at genting...
we headed home at the evening about 4smth.. i guess..
actually wanna go home earlier but rained damn heavily for 1hr ++
on the way back home
going down from the hill
after reached home, everyone was dead tired and rest awhile
because we are going out at night to MV for movie - indiana jones
at the second floor of McD with my mom n sis b4 the movie startdad n bro walk separately
after watching the indiana jones movie we just straight headed homeanyway, i brought a strawberry hand made key chain for my hp..
suit my hp 100% coz it's RED.. haha
Thats all for today...
blogging for so long, im totally dead tired..x,x
niiteez everyone -_-Zzz...