Today's 28 April of 2008 which my 1 year anniversary being with him, my dear love turtle..
I started relationship with him since 28 April of 2007..
never thought of this day will come.. hehe..
Where should i begin my stories with him??
When the 1st time i met him was at the Mid valley, he was my neighbour's friend(WL)
I went out with neighbour to MV to watch movie, that's why i get to met him there..
But sadly, my neighbour did not really introduce his friends to me =,= (sigh~)
I get to met him a lot when only going out with my neighbour. But still i didnt get a chance to know him..
When i was in from 3, my friend got me his hp number for me.. haha.. (my friend knew that i wanna get to know him so badly)
I was so excited was like.. FINALLY.. i got a chance to know him coz i've been waited for 3 yrs(its not easy waiting for so long)
Not even that, I can become his new friend..
we get to met up again during his marching practise for sport events in his secondary school..
I was damn SHY man.. even typed wrong word through the sms to him which was suppose to be "shy" but i typed "shine" haha.........
He's elder than me 2 yrs which he's 20 now..
I get to met him again during tht day after he got his spm results..
and guess wat...
my friend(bc) betrayed me.. told him i have a crush on him..
But sadly i got rejected, coz he's still in love with his 1st love n waiting her to accept him back..
i was so sad, i really do love him a lot.. I felt so hopeless.. i thought maybe we didnt meant to be
so i have made up my mind n put him a side..
Tht's y i get to knew my 1st love, benjamin yue..
Actually.. i oso got rejected from ben when tht time i was in from 4 during school holidays, 15 march of 2005 which is my birthday when having holidays 3days 2 nights in genting with my family..
During tht night, i give some sign to him tht i wanna be with him through sms
But he was like very blur, dun get it at all..
Then i just got myself out of the apartment n went to down to the lobby..
to make a call to him through de public phone coz it will be cheaper than making a call through de hp..
He told me tht relationship maybe will affect his studies..
sigh.. once again being rejected.. sad day even it's my birthday
But i got purposes back from him (it was a really damn long stories between him n i)
So thts y ben is my 1st love which is my 1st bf..
but we didnt last long till a yr, still got 4 days left to make it an yr
anyway.. i should continue back about "him"
i guess i shifted way too far.. LOL
Well.. i should continue my stories about him n i next time..
because now is in the middle of night (3.58AM) kinda dizzy n some more i gotta help my sis do her moral project stuff which are translate the news in english to malay..
Typing for long i oso havent mention who is "HIM"
the "him" are Mr Yuen Hoong Loong.. hehe..
Sigh... missing the days we used to be when he's still in M'sia
cherish the moments being with him.. missing him badly now..
But today he went to some part time job.. guess i shall seeing him in the morning like 7am which 12am(midnight) there..or maybe not =/
Love U, Mr turtle..=p
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Things back to the way where it used to be..
felt so good about it..
hope it will be last longer than before =I
This is my 1st time received a parcel from dear at last month. The parcel was sent around end of May. Somehow i received it at the mid-June.. after total 3 week baru received..
I thought it maybe lost at the half way or took by the postman who was being greedy. I was told based on a true story, a lady sent a parcel which contain babies shirt, food, etc etc to her nephew at overseas country. But somehow after few month she was told tht the parcel did not received from her nephew's family. Then she went to the post office n asked the postman B,
Lady: have you guy delivery the parcel i brought here last month, which got babies shirt, food, etc etc.
Postman B: is this babies shirt yours?
Lady: Yes. How come you have it??!
Postman B: Ohh.. the postman A gave it to me..
Tht's all i heard.. i think tht postman A are being curious or greedy opened customer's parcel without permission and kept it as their belonging. Being a responsible postman should do their given duty and do the right things in a right way.
Precaution: do wrap ur parcel many times and tightly with newspaper/wrap paper/anything is possible. This is wat i've done when i sent my 1st parcel to dear.. haha.. And do not sent stuff such as cellphone/metal stuff, those can be detected. Someone'll thought the metal stuff are valuable and steal it away..
Before you wanted to go to post office to post your parcel.. u sure wanna know how much u need to prepare to pay for the postage fee of the parcel.. click on >> POSTAGE RATE
the parcel has been delivered.. XD
postage at 27/5/2008
dilepaskan oleh kastam pada 10/6/2008
= 13 days!!
customs declaration
be patient.. going to open
TADA!! chocolatess
Kit Kat( mint flavor)
enjoying the chocolate with a can of shandy(apple flavor)
Yum yUuuMm =p
Missing someone...
nite peeps
Before you wanted to go to post office to post your parcel.. u sure wanna know how much u need to prepare to pay for the postage fee of the parcel.. click on >> POSTAGE RATE
dilepaskan oleh kastam pada 10/6/2008
= 13 days!!

Yum yUuuMm =p
Missing someone...
nite peeps
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