Saturday, October 2, 2010


It's been awhile since the last post. Maybe due to exam, workload, and class. Or maybe i just lost my motive to blog anymore due to certain of occurrence that makes such a huge impact in my life. But i do believe that no matter how busy your life would be there is always time, it just depend how you utilize your time. Talking about time management, i cant denied that i have a bad time management. even thought i knew the amount of workload needed to be done in a day. I would still spend some hour on online-ing, chatting nonsense with friends, surfin unnecessary things, or just to wait for somebody to online, atleast it brightened me a moment. Right? I am a human, i do need entertainment. But doing so, there are price to pay which i had to sacrifice my sleeping time so that i'll be able to complete my work

Somehow, today i've been told by my boss that since after my teaching, my english has improve to be fluence. It was a compliment to me but indeed, its kinda fishy because they seldom praise about they employees. O,O When good things come to you, bad things will come as well. That i am so freaking incautions step on something. I bet you might think of  SHIT!! YEA RIGHT... Am not, instead i stepped on the amulets accidentally. Its not like i directly step on it. Sigh.. I felt damn sorry and unforgiving myself that until i have bend down my knees infront of god to ask for forgiveness. Sigh... How could i stepped on the thing i always wear close to me, and somehow happened twice at yesterday and today. ARGH!! =(
Maybe im having "shui" gas surrounded me. Please stay away from me as far as you could.

When you expressed your feeling indirectly to someone but someone was not into you like how you did to someone, its kinda look stupid on yourself. Yea, i mean myself. i swear i would never do that again. =S 
I think the best thing that i just stay single for good. But when i have hard time, i do need someone be there for me. Friends would not be there for you always, because they have life to busy with, you just cant kept bothering them. Maybe i can just try to increase my workload, more work less thinking about stupid hopeless untruth unreal thoughts. Been staying single for 2year, it wasn't that bad. I prefer my student alot, they are so naive, pure, innocent, truth to themselves and i don't have to be fake infront of them =)

time for bed. Bed time story, ANYONE? LMAO

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